REIG Regena | Unleashing The Inner Goddess


Women are the greatest untapped natural resource on the planet, and in every woman lives a goddess that begs to be unleashed. Regena “Mama Gena” Thomashauer starts from this premise in her endeavor to teach people how to reclaim the magnificence of the feminine and unshackle everyone from the chains of patriarchy, whether in business or personal life. Mama Gena is the CEO of the School of Womanly Arts and author of four books, including the New York Times bestseller, Pussy: A Reclamation. In this reunion with her friend and student, Monick Halm, she touches on the need for every woman to recognize her desires, own her sensuality, and listen to her pussy in every aspect of her life and career. Listen to this inspiring conversation and be empowered to own your life and take it to your desired direction.

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Reclaiming The Pussy And Unleashing The Inner Goddess With Regena “Mama Gena” Thomashauer

In this episode, I have the most special guest. I’m interviewing Regena Thomashauer. She goes by Mama Gena. I consider her the fairy godmother of Real Estate Investor Goddesses because of her incredible teachings. I’ve known her and studied with her since 2004. It was through her teachings that the seeds of these Real Estate Investor Goddesses were planted. She is a teacher, a bestselling author, a mother and a media personality. She’s the Founder and CEO of the School of Womanly Arts, which began in her living room in 1998. It has since grown into a global movement.

When I took classes in her living room, there are maybe 30-some of us in there. I was in her Mastery program in 2019 with 900 women. She’s affected millions of women. She believes that women are the greatest untapped natural resource on the planet, and that people of all genders reclaim the magnificence of the feminine, the patriarchy will fall, liberating us all. Her approach stems from decades of research in the social, cultural and economic history of women. Her distinctive style, at once irreverent, unwavering, affirming and sweary.

She’s engaged and changed the lives of millions from all over the world. In addition to leading the School of Womanly Arts, she’s authored four popular books including her New York Times bestseller, Pussy: A Reclamation, which is an incredible book. It’s part of the reading list for my program, as well as her School of Womanly Arts book and others. She’s been featured widely as a leading expert in modern feminism. She’s joining us from New York, where she lives. Welcome, Regena. I’m thrilled to have you.

It’s good to be with you. It is beautiful how long have we known each other. I was thinking back on the first time I met you and the extraordinary way in which you held your desires. All the things you have were just longings when we began. All I had to do is fan the flames of your desires. You’re the one that put all these like your hot husband, your incredible family, your real estate, this company and the way you’re impacting others. It’s powerful and beautiful. I feel like a proud mama. I have taken that ride.

She was coaching me even before I met my husband.

I remember you standing up in the room and saying exactly what you wanted, then that’s what happened.

I could go into all of the gems I learned from you that changed my life but I want to talk more about you. How did you get started teaching women the Womanly Arts? How did that begin?

I’m happy you asked that question because the trajectory of my journey is something that I know your readers are somewhere on this path. Every woman has a desire. There’s something that we want. Sometimes we don’t even know what it is. We have this nameless, faceless, longing, calling or something we can imagine or almost imagined. That is how all desires come into being. It starts with longing. Even if there are no signs on the highway and there’s no driftwood showing if you’re close to land. It starts with a woman’s desire or what a woman wants. It’s key for each of us to pay attention to that.

REIG Regena | Unleashing The Inner Goddess

Unleashing The Inner Goddess: A woman isn’t going to own her life if she doesn’t own her sex and sensuality.


My desire to begin and build the school was my destiny. I had been a researcher from the time I was a little girl and I wondered, where did my enthusiasm go? I have to solve this problem of where is a child’s enthusiasm. I should say there was a background of abuse in my family. One of the things that happened was when I was about five years old, the goddess came and sat on my bed and I could feel her presence.

I thought, “This is amazing.” Somehow, I took on the responsibility. I was like, “This goddess, I will present first somehow on this planet. I don’t know how, where or what but I knew that in some way, that divine feminine was of utmost importance.” I did my job of searching for her in churches, synagogues and temples as I grew up but I couldn’t find her anywhere.

I put aside the journey and I went to a woman’s college. I had lots of girlfriends and I noticed that there was an absence of the confidence and ability to boldly move forward that I saw in men. Women somehow seemed filled with more self-doubts and crisis of confidence in our ability than men and myself included. I was the best example of being paralyzed by my depression, self-doubt and my disapproval of myself. I was utterly paralyzed. I wanted to understand what is it that could connect a woman with her enthusiasm, her joy and her life force. That beautiful enthusiasm that we see when we see a radiant little girl who’s powerful.

Somehow that radiance dials down over a lifetime for women. I began to study the patriarchal world culture, where all of the divine figureheads or God are masculine. I began to study the divine feminine. I began to research the ancient goddess traditions. I began to become well-informed about the work of Marija Gimbutas, Joseph Campbell, Merlin Stone and pursued that. I found that it didn’t give me that sense of freedom, power, and my liveliness that I longed for. I was tired of being stuck and unable to take steps forward with my life. I was tired of wondering why I was alive or why was I disempowered and depressed all the time. What happened was I had the good fortune of taking an acting class because I originally wanted to be an actor. One of my acting teachers said to me, “You’re a very good actor but you have no sexuality or sensuality in your work. You’re going to be cast as women twice your age.”

I said, “For my art, I will study sensuality so I could learn about it.” I was scared because one of the things that had gotten an unplugged inside of me was my desire. I had so much self-doubt. I didn’t want to date. I didn’t want to audition. I was living like a hermit. To show up at a class in sensuality was terrifying for me. I was hiding in the back of the room. I thought all the people were weirdos. That’s true anytime we take a workshop. We all think, “Who are these weirdos?” By the end, we all love each other. What happened was they gave us a homework. The homework was to treat yourself as if you were the most important person in the world. You were to purchase little foods that you might like to eat and drinks. You were to tidy your space, light some candles, play beautiful music, take a bath and treat yourself as if you were royalty.

I’d never done anything like that before. I always treated others like royalty. I grew up and my job was to take care of my brothers and my family. At work, I take care of my boss but it was never to take care of me. It was a complete 180. I found that in the lighting of the candles, choosing the music, laying out of the food, taking my bath, and then remarkably, we were to look in the mirror and see what we loved about ourselves. The moment I looked in the mirror because I was in a state of pleasure. I saw the very thing I’d been searching for my whole life. I saw the goddess. I was like, “Holy shit, motherfucker. The Goddess has been hiding in me.”

If she could be hiding in me, she’s hiding in every woman. If she’s hiding in every woman, that’s a shit ton of power that needs to be unleashed. Apparently, the portal to connecting women to their divinity and sensuality is a pleasure. I must study pleasure. I’ve got to do it. I’m going to do the research and I will study pleasure. I went headlong. I studied at a school called More University. I learned a technique called Extended Massive Orgasm. I studied for years orgasm and how to extend and expand mine. I demonstrated Extended Massive Orgasm and still do in certain classes of mine. When a woman owns her pussy, she owns life. If she doesn’t, she doesn’t. It doesn’t matter that she gets a degree from Mount Holyoke College. She still isn’t going to own her life if she doesn’t own her sex and her sensuality.

Once I realized that and once I had my daughter, Maggie. I had such a sense of responsibility to the girls of today that were going to be the women of tomorrow. I was like, “I got to start me a school that’s going to teach women about pleasure because how will my girl breed if she’s living in a world that doesn’t know women are sacred?” Once women know, then they can teach the men. The men are much easier to teach than women. That’s how I started. It was random. It’s powerful in the sense that for women reading this do not doubt your desire. Do not doubt the relevance and the importance of your desire. No desire is frivolous. As you’ve demonstrated, choosing to invest in real estate is not frivolous. It’s a way of taking care of yourself, your family and taking others higher, which is what every woman is built for. Never doubt a desire, ever.

A goddess is hiding in every woman. It’s a ton of power that needs to be unleashed. Share on X

Having been in your rooms and in your classes for a long time. The women in your community, you call them all sister goddesses. There’s a radiance in the sister goddess that comes out and it’s a beautiful thing. I want to talk about Pussy Business. I was excited that I took that course. It’s way back in the day. That wasn’t the official title. It goes Using the Power of Pleasure in Business or something like that.

We call it Pussy Business because that’s truly what it is.

I want you to talk a little bit about the connection between Womanly Arts as pleasure and wealth and success for women.

For many of us living inside of a patriarchal world culture, we’ve been taught to cut off from our truth, our feelings and our connections with our sisters and brothers in order to produce and to work. That somehow, if you work hard enough and long enough, it’s going to lead to pleasure one day. Of course, it doesn’t. It leads to more disconnection, depression and more disempowerment. I learned early through my own journey and through studying the journeys of thousands of women, when a woman began to plug into her source energy and listened to her pussy, it would guide her in ways that were not necessarily linear.

It would have her get to her goal even quicker than she might if she ignored her pussy. What I mean by pussy is a way of walking. It’s a way of being. It’s a way of standing in your radiance. It’s a way of staying in your body. It’s a way of listening to your deepest intuition. For example, you get an offer for a job and it’s at a company that would look good on your resume. You go in for the interview and you get this sinking feeling as you wander under the fluorescent lights in the cube farm. You’re interviewed by a white man. He tells you the requirements and you’re feeling maybe he needs to fill the woman of color spot in his company.

He’s not interested in you, but you know it’s going to be good on your resume. Your pussy is screaming, “Get out of here, run for your life.” You have a choice at that moment. You can listen to your pussy or you can ignore her. I have found in my years of working with women, that every time a woman listens to her pussy truth, it leads to way more wealth, way more deeply fulfilling experience, and way more magic, which is a realm that women love to swim in. It’s a magic for coincidence and opportunity that if you were, you would never do this. If a woman was to turn off her pussy truth and take that job, is that going to lead anywhere good?

No, I did do that same interview and everything in me was going, “No, don’t do this.” I was like, “It looks so good on the resume and on paper. They’re such great law firm.” I ended up in a hospital bed with a ruptured appendix feeling grateful to not be at work.

Thank God for that appendix exploding in the nick of time.

REIG Regena | Unleashing The Inner Goddess

Unleashing The Inner Goddess: Every time a woman listens to her pussy truth, it leads to more wealth, more deeply fulfilling experience, and more magic.


It was the best thing that ever happened to me. It was through not listening to pussy that I learned the importance of listening to a pussy.

That’s a righteous way to grow. You have to pay attention and not pay attention, then you realize like, “I get this.” Conversely, if a woman were to walk out of that interview and say, “Sorry, find someone else.” That’s when the great pussy in the sky, the universe synchronicity starts to begin to open doors for opportunities that you might not have even imagined for yourself. The power of your connection to your source energy gives life just like our pussies. They give life to babies and they give life to us. They give life to opportunity. It’s a full service.

There was a distinction I got from the last mastery about this. It has been a while since I had taken a class. I had gone from listening to pussy to listening to my heart. Your heart is beautiful, kind and very loving. When I went back to your class and I started tuning more into pussy, the pussy takes care of you as well as others. She takes you on some crazy adventures. It’s fun and you don’t know where you’re going to go, but there’s a passion and energy there that even listening to your heart, you don’t get.

That’s so beautifully said. Your heart takes care of others. The pussy takes care of you as well as others. If you think about it, it’s like the function. It’s clitoracy. The clitoris, the seat of women’s pleasure, has 8,000 nerve endings, a little tiny button of intense experience. It integrates information from the conscious, the unconscious, the peripheral nervous system, the neocortex and the hypothalamus. She is taking in on many different levels that can be of service to the whole being that you are. She’s like a proper little brain. That’s what Natalie Angier says in her book, Woman: An Intimate Geography. It’s one of my favorite books.

One of the things that you had said before is that in this patriarchal culture, we’re often disconnected from our feelings and in addition to other things. We’re always feeling deeply but in particular, we’re in this moment in the world where there are intensely deep, dark, powerful emotions. They’re not as dark as bad but there’s grief, anger and rage. There are a lot of things that we’re feeling but we’re not necessarily able to express. My mom would always say, “Don’t cry. You’re ugly when you cry.” I wasn’t allowed to cry. It wasn’t okay. I know I’m probably not the only one that’s had similar experiences. First of all, what are the consequences for women when we’re not allowed to experience our full emotional range?

We have this thing called, “Girls are sugar and spice and everything nice.” That is such a harmful sentence because anytime a girl feels anger, grief or frustration, she feels like she’s wrong. I like to look at it like women have the emotional range of a piano. We have 88 keys and we’re taught in our culture to push middle C over and over again. How are you? Fine. How are you doing? I’m okay. We’re never fine. There’s never fine. Fine doesn’t describe anything. We’re happy that the sun is shining and it’s summer, or our hearts are exploding in grief as the racism inside of our culture supported by our leaders is becoming more and more overt. We have lynchings. Every week, there is some loss of black life that we are now becoming more and more conscious. It hits me as a white woman differently than it hits you as a black woman.

At the same time, all of that emotion, if we do not process it, it gets stuck inside and we become numb. When we’re numb, we get depressed. We get disengage and disempowered. We don’t even want to go to the voting booth because we can’t even get our ass out of bed. We are overwhelmed by our own depression as a result of not feeling all of the incredible, diverse, complicated, full range of feelings. If I was president, we would be as a country in a 30-day month of mourning together. Flags half mass and wearing black. I’m Jewish, we’d tear our garments to show our sign of mourning. To be overt about the grief of 400 years of slavery that has never been processed. I talk a lot about this, especially in Pussy. I have a chapter on a process called Swamping.

It is a practice where a woman gives herself or her community of sisters an opportunity to move through the full emotional range that is her truth at this time. I need to swamp every day. I got to move it through my body. It is not a head trip. It’s a body trip. Do you want to swamp a little? Everybody who’s reading, please join. I picked a song for us that contains grief, rage, frustration, joy and intensity. There are a lot of keys to playing in this. You get to pick which one you ride. Maybe you have the best sex of your life with your lover and you’re feeling pretty hot. You can dance to this song with that. If you’re like me completely confused, conflicted and embroiled in the conversations of racism filled with rage and grief, finding your way, that’s another experience. The song is called River. I’m going to say Monique has her own river or emotion.

Pussy is a way of being. It’s a way of standing in your radiance. When a woman listens to her pussy, it guides her to her goal quicker. Share on X

With the swamp, you just dance. You take that emotion and you embody it.

We’ll do it for a minute or so as a practice so you can feel. The purpose is to move your ass with us for one minute and see how it feels to embody the truth of your emotions. That was the client’s taste, and at the same time, you can see where we could go with this. We can go and express so much. You can put together your playlist and move that body, see and feel your magnificent truth. Whatever you feel is righteous, beautiful and gorgeous.

It’s powerful to do this process and feel what you’re feeling. I was not socialized to be able to do that. You’ve been doing a series of swamps. Coming together in community to do several dances, one for rage and for grief. Also, one where we add turn on. That alchemizes and transforms. I’ve been grateful, especially in this emotional time to be able to process it. It takes it from the stuck energy to fuel. Switching gears slightly. Since this show is mostly about financial success, what advice do you have for a woman who’s trying to be more financially successful?

It can be frustrating. I’ve gone through periods where I’ve been a couple of hundred thousand dollars in debt because of creating a company. I didn’t know how to run it and not knowing how to write a business plan, make a budget, pay my taxes and work it all out. You learn so much by making mistakes. That was my greatest teacher. One of the things that’s been powerful for me is getting great advice from a financial advisor, which you can either pay someone to work with you in terms of structuring your business, your personal bank accounts or there are unbelievable books.

I love the work of Suze Orman. I’m reading one of her books. I love the work of Tony Robbins’ book on money. It is fantastic. I know you probably have a great collection of books that you recommend to your students and the people that you work with. What it’s about is continuing to educate yourself and celebrate every penny that you acquire and every step that you take to build your business. Sometimes you’ll take steps and they won’t seem like they’re leading anywhere, but you still have to celebrate them. Sometimes you take steps and you only make $1. You were hoping for $100,000. You still have to celebrate that $1.

How we grow as women and how we expand is not through criticism. We are quick on the draw of doubting ourselves and criticizing ourselves. What I have found is one of the greatest habits that has allowed me to grow was changing the way I talk to myself. Instead of criticizing every step or saying, “You’re a loser. You don’t know anything about money. You’ll never be able to make this ship fly,” to “Look what you just did. You made $1.” If I find $1 in the street, I’d say, “The great pussy is smiling at you. You found $1.” Educating myself about budgeting both on a personal level and also around my school. I’m getting great advice and continue reading so that I could begin to add to the places that didn’t come naturally to me. Running a business and creating business plans and budgets, that was something that took so much more work. If you put me out in front of 5,000 people, I’m like, “No problem. It’s easy,” but sitting there at the painstaking budget sets, that’s harder work for me.

We are going to do an exercise I learned from you that I end every show with, which is a trinity of brag, gratitude and desire. You’re talking about celebrating ourselves and everything. That’s this wonderful bragging tool that I use a lot that the real estate investor goddesses do. Before we do that, how can women find out more about you and what you do?

Follow me on Instagram @MamaGena. Go to my website, You can sign up for a free five-day pleasure challenge on that website. You can get my newsletter because I’m an unbelievably good writer. I put a blog every week or so and it’s worthy. We’re doing exciting things at the school.

REIG Regena | Unleashing The Inner Goddess

Pussy: A Reclamation

I get lots of emails, most of which I don’t read but I’d never miss one of Regena’s emails. I’ll sign up for that. Now it is time for our famed end of show trinity, which is the brag, gratitude and desire. What is your brag?

I brag that I woke up early and rocked a blog that I’m working on. It’s going to be good. It’s coming out, but then my friend bought a farm not far from my beach house. I jumped in the car and by 8:00 in the morning, I was brushing one of her horses. I then rode that thing for an hour and that’s why I’m wearing a hat because I got a sweaty helmet head. I had such a good time on this horse. It is magnificent. His name is Mojito. I had a talk with my race and diversity team member at 9:45 and by 10:00, I was running a staff meeting. That’s how we do it. We multitask and squeeze in everything we love. My gratitude is for you. My gratitude is for our sisterhood, our connection for the privilege of witnessing your life. Your marriage to your hot Aussie, the birth of your daughter. The growth of your own company. The opportunity to be here and speak with you. The speaking that you and I are doing together. You’re always choosing to learn and to educate yourself, not only for your benefit but I watched you take your family higher and heal your family. You’re impacting many women as you should. I feel very grateful for the length and depth of our connection.

Thank you. I’m grateful for that too.

My desire is that all this fucked up upheaval, pulling back the curtains on the overt racism and bigotry, white supremacy inside this white patriarchal culture that we live in, that feels so hard for many of us. That it leads to a place that Martin Luther King Jr. spoken to. A place of connection and brotherhood and sisterhood that we cannot even dream that we all get to the mountain top. We all get to the promised land. We get to a place where there is true equality, love and connection. Maybe there is racism but there is no such thing as race. We are all brothers and sisters on this planet. This is an opportunity where we can truly heal and transform together.

So shall your desire be or so much better than you can imagine under grace and in perfect ways.

That’s what we always say when we share a desire because it gives the desire wings. It’s always and so shall it be or something even better beyond your wildest dream under grace and in perfect ways. I always hear, she would say, “Done, done, done.”

Thank you so much. I’m sad that our interview was done. All of you reading, go to and sign up for her newsletter and her challenge. Follow her on all the socials. She’s changed my life and the lives of millions of others. Join the bandwagon.

Thank you. We love you.

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About Regena Thomashauer

REIG Regena | Unleashing The Inner Goddess

Regena Thomashauer (a.k.a. “Mama Gena”) is a teacher and best-selling author, mother and media personality, and founder and CEO of the School of Womanly Arts, which began in her living room in 1998 and has since grown into a global movement. She believes that women are the greatest untapped natural resource on the planet, and that as people of all genders reclaim the magnificence of the feminine, the patriarchy will fall, liberating us all.
Thomashauer’s approach stems from decades of research in the social, cultural, and economic history of women. Her distinctive style — at once irreverent, unwavering, affirming, and swear-y — has engaged thousands from all over the world.
In addition to leading the School of Womanly Arts, Thomashauer has authored four popular books, including her newest New York Times Bestseller, Pussy: A Reclamation, and has been featured widely as a leading expert in modern feminism. She lives and works in New York City. Website:


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