REIG Hannah | The Money Multiplier Method


Nothing speaks of generational wealth better than someone who has followed the footsteps of their parents on the same path to financial freedom. A second-generation member of The Money Multiplier Method, Hannah Kesler is the perfect example of such a person. Started by her father, Brent Kesler, The Money Multiplier Method is highly-effective type of infinite banking, a concept that was first introduced into the world by R. Nelson Nash. In this conversation with Monick Halm, Hannah walks us through the basics of what infinite banking is, how it can free up money to use in real estate investing, and how it can be your key to financial freedom and generational wealth.

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How The Money Multiplier Method Creates Generational Wealth With Hannah Kesler

On this show, we usually interview women real estate investors that are crushing it in the real estate investing space. Our guest is a little different, though. She has dreams to become a real estate investor. I’m inviting her on because she is a second-generation member of The Money Multiplier Method. It’s a type of infinite banking and it’s such an important tool that people can use for real estate investing. Few people know about it. In 2020, I got myself an infinite banking policy. It’s very empowering. My mission is to empower 1 million women to create financial freedom through real estate investing. This is a useful tool to help you to do that, to create financial freedom, to make your money work harder and faster for you.

I’m super excited to introduce Hannah Kesler, who’s the second generation of The Money Multiplier Method. I’m meeting her for the first time. I have seen and met her father before, who started it. This is a method Hannah and her father travel all around the country to teach how to recycle, recapture and keep total control of your hard-earned dollars. Money Multiplier teaches the importance of privatized banking, keeping money in the family and how to break the bonds of financial slavery you don’t even realize you’re in. She’s going to tell us all about it. Her dreams are to become a savvy real estate investor and designer to hopefully start her clothing line. With wealth management tools, she knows these dreams will become a reality sooner rather than later. I’m super excited to have her with us. Welcome, Hannah.

Monick, thanks for having me.

Thanks for being on. I was sharing that I got one of these policies in 2020. I’m super excited about it. It is complicated. It’s different from what most of us are taught. It’s a paradigm shift that you have to do before you get what I believe. You do agree?

I agree. Honestly, it is a paradigm shift. Right now, all you’re doing is you’re going with the flow of everybody else, how they’re living and doing their life with their money. What we’ve been taught from day one is to go to high school, get your diploma, go to college, get a good degree and then go out, work, put your money in your 401(k) and let the government take care of you. If you go out and you see all those seniors out there, how well is that doing for them? This is a different concept of how to handle money.

Explain what infinite banking policy is.

If you stand in front of a mirror, breathe into it and it fogs it up, then you're a good candidate for infinite banking. Share on X

First, I got to tell you all where all of this information comes from. It comes from a black book called Becoming Your Own Banker. It’s by a gentleman named R. Nelson Nash. We lost him in March of 2019. I had the pleasure of meeting him one month before he passed. That was when I was going out more and traveling with pops. I’ll start there too. I got into this because my father was shared this information. We didn’t even come from the money background. Dad was a chiropractor. He had a boatload of debt. He’s in this financial hamster wheel of trying to break free and break those bonds. It was one day when he was at this chiropractic conference that he heard this information being presented. He looked at the material. He said, “That looks really good, but it looks way too good to be true.”

REIG Hannah | The Money Multiplier Method

Becoming Your Own Banker: Unlock the Infinite Banking Concept

He went back home. He did his own stuff. He went back to the chiropractic clinics. At the time, I was a CA, a Chiropractic Assistant. I was a front desk lady up there. I was working with pops. He went back. He was doing his old daily stuff. He bought the book Becoming Your Own Banker, went back home, didn’t read it, set it on the shelf and went back to his daily living. It was when his friends, his colleagues and his mentors started to grasp this and understand this infinite banking concept. It wasn’t when he learned about it. About two years later, he went back to that same chiropractic conference. All of those folks were hooting and hollering about this concept of, “How I can keep in total control of my money, how I can recycle and recapture my dollars.” Dad was like, “I missed the train on that one.” That’s when he started to take the actions of implementing this.

The infinite banking concept, all it is that we’re using a vehicle that the super-elite and the rich are using as well. They’re not teaching us how they’re working their money and how they’re handling it. Most of you will be surprised when I say this, but as you said, Monick, yes, it’s a policy. The platform or the product that we’re using is a specifically engineered whole life insurance policy. When I went there and I said whole life insurance policy about half a dozen of you hung up the podcast and said, “Hannah, I know everything there is to know about a whole life insurance policy. As a matter of fact, you don’t because what you’re thinking of is those typical old whole life policies that your broke ass brother-in-law is selling. Everyone’s got a brother-in-law who sells life insurance.” It’s not that. It’s a specifically engineered as specifically designed policy for that high immediate cash value.

Truthfully, the only reason that we’re using a whole life policy is because this is the best platform to practice this concept on. We’re funneling our money through these policies. We are essentially becoming our bankers in that way. I’ll tell you. In my own personal life, I store all of my wealth inside of my whole life policies. I don’t keep more than three months of overhead in a conventional bank. The only difference between a conventional bank and an insurance company is the name on the front door. They’re both places to store our money, but we’ve never been taught that way. That’s why I feel like it’s our mission to go out there and say, “There’s something that’s out there that you all need to know.”

I’m sure people are like, “What is she talking about? What do you mean that you can store money in an insurance policy? Why would you want to?” Tell us more. What are the benefits of this?

With these whole life policies, the number one thing that I personally like about it the most is that I’m basically making my money work even harder for me. I’ve been using this word more and more as I do my phone calls with all of our members. Our policies, I think of it as a funnel. What I’m doing is I am putting my wealth inside of my policies first. Honestly, when you get money in, what you do is you go and put it in somebody else’s bank and that banker lends out your money and makes a good living off of your money.

What we’re doing is we are going to be in control of that. “We are putting our money into the privatized bank of Hannah Kesler, or My Whole Life Policy, and then I’m taking it out to go do and buy the products and services that I’m already going to go buy in life.” The benefit of the policy is there something that is in there. It’s the uninterrupted compounding that happens within our money. On top of that, everything in the policy is tax-free. What is our largest eroder of wealth? It’s taxes. Monick, you know that the best because you’re in LA, California.

Treat your own money like you treat the bank’s money. Share on X

I sure have my fair share of taxes here. You’re right. It’s not just what you make. It’s what you get to keep that makes a difference. I’ll tell you why I got one of these policies. One is that you can use your money, have it working for you outside of the policy and it’s working for you inside of the policy. That sounds a little complicated. While it’s there in the policy, it’s making a percentage. Mine is making around 4% a year, which is way better than the 0.25% that’s in the bank account. It’s making money and it’s growing tax-free. What you can do is you can take and loan out that money. You can loan it to yourself. You can loan it to others. I was talking about her father, who uses this. He used it for real estate. He does private money lending. He lends it to people for real estate. They’re using it and paying him back with interest. That money is making money.

We can talk about that. I sum it up by saying, “I’m double-dipping all my dollars.” I have it inside of my policy, so I’ll talk about that. Honestly, I think that’s the ultimate place of where you want to go. I know people enjoyed their fix and flips, going in and doing all the work, but to me personally, if I can make my money work for me and I don’t have to do any work or lift a finger, I’d rather do that. What he does is he does that hard money lending. He takes cash from his policies, gives it to those borrowers. What he does is he’s the bank now. What he takes as collateral is the first position on the mortgage on that home. What they do is they pay him back with interest and that’s how he’s cycling his money. Even though he has lost dollars out there to that borrower, all of his money is still sitting in the policy, growing at that guaranteed compounding of the 4%. That’s guaranteed. It says that within the policy contract. You can make no less than that guaranteed 4%. That’s not just my flapping gum saying that.

I won’t lie. It took me a while to fully understand this. I spent months talking to a lot of different people asking lots of questions, trying to figure out how this works. I was like your dad. I was like, “This does sound too good to be true. I can be earning money while my money is doing something else and that there’s no tax.” It can take a little while. I’m fairly smart. This infinite banking policy, I like it because it’s growing. It’s tax-free. You can use it. It’s almost like there’s a duplicate bucket. It’s like two buckets. There’s one bucket that’s sitting there growing. At the same time, they allow you to use that bucket while it’s growing, whereas in the bank account, if you take the money out of the account, it’s not going to continue to grow. That’s the big difference.

That’s exactly what I say for my examples. For instance, when you use money from your bank accounts, you take that money out. Let’s say we’re going to buy a car. I’m going to take that money out of my bank account. I’m going to pay cash for my car. You get the car that the dealer gets their money and everybody walks away. The transaction’s done by going the route of being in that control, taking a loan from your policy and then going to buy that car, same deal. You have the car. The dealer has their money, but now I have that system in place to recapture and recycle all of those dollars because I funneled it through the policy.

You said have a place that people can go to find out more and go deeper. Do you want to share where they can do that?

Our company is called The Money Multiplier. My main duty here is I’m pop’s right-hand gal. Pops is the head honcho of The Money Multiplier. As I get more and more into this, his passion is rubbing off on me a little bit. Honestly, we’re helping people’s lives. People don’t know what they don’t know. There’s that Will Rogers quote out there. He says, “The problem in America isn’t so much what people don’t know. It’s what people think they know that just isn’t so.” I encourage everyone to go out and review the material. Pick up that book Becoming Your Own Banker by R. Nelson Nash. As a matter of fact, I’ll give you my email as well and I’ll send you a copy of our free eBook. I don’t know if you all are out there since we’re on a real estate show.

There’s a gentleman out there by the name of Chris Naugle. Chris Naugle is very active into real estate. He had a few shows on HGTV. His latest one is Risky Builders. The reason that we got hooked up with Chris is because Brent went out. He shared this information to a real estate group and Chris said, “That’s cool. You got to come on my stage and talk to my folks.” That’s what Chris does. He uses his policy to finance all of the investment deals that he’s doing. I’ll give it to you. Our website is called You’ll see up at the top there, it’s the taskbar. If you go underneath the Resources tab, click on Resources. You can stroll down there and it will say Presentation. Take the time to go better your financial situation in your life because there’s so much more out there that we don’t know.

Let me ask you a question. Who is the good candidate for this type of policy and who isn’t?

If you stand in front of a mirror, you breathe into it and it fogs it up, then you’re a good candidate for infinite banking. Seriously though, everybody has that control. They have that power to step away from the bank, step away from the government and you’ll be in that full control of your financial life. Truthfully, honestly, anybody. I know some folks might raise some eyebrows and say, “Hannah, I’m 73. I’m too old to get a policy.” No, you’re not. What we’re doing is that we’re using these policies for the cash value banking function of it. That death benefit is that cherry on top of the cake.

Let’s say you are older. Let’s say that you are uninsurable. For these policies, you got to qualify on the health side for them. Let’s say that you had cancer two years ago or ten feet of your intestines were removed. We can’t get you approved for a policy. What you do is you find somebody that you have a vested interest in. Let’s say that you’re married, you have children or a business partner. You can always put the policy on their body, the owner of it. Thus the owner, the one who has the gold, makes the rules. They’re the ones who are in 100% control of the policy. Use this thing for the banking concept.

I did ask somebody and they told me there were some people for whom it was not the best fit. First, you need to have the money to fund it. The other thing was they said if you were not responsible with your money, if you don’t pay back your debts, if you overspend, then it won’t work for you probably. You have to be able to stay organized with it. If you can, it’s amazing, but if you’re not in control of your money, it’s not the best policy for you. Do you agree with that?

REIG Hannah | The Money Multiplier Method

The Money Multiplier Method: The only difference between a conventional bank and an insurance company is the name on the front door. They’re both places to store our money.


Absolutely. There’s no reason that you should be going to Starbucks every single day. Save up a few of those dollars. If you want to reach those dreams and those desires in your life, you’ll find a way. You’ll make it a priority to get to those dreams and to get to that endpoint. That’s why we’re here. That’s why I think a lot of folks like working with us. We’re not just going to give you this policy and then I’m going to change my phone number and stay away. The big thing that we have is our mapping team. That’s what we call it, our mapping team, our mapping department, where we create visual tools for everybody. If you go onto our website and you watch that presentation, you’ll see something in there called The Money Multiplier Map.

In that presentation, Brent shows you how this one individual, who is a friend of ours. He’s a chiropractor. It’s a real-life example of how he used the policy to pay off his $475,000 of debt. That’s called The Money Multiplier Map. We create one for all of our folks. We have those quarterly meetings with everybody, checking in on them saying, “How are you doing?” Out in Nelson’s book, he says, “Use it or lose it.” We want you to use this concept because it’s going to be there for your whole life. It’s not just the get rich quick. It’s not, “I’m going to do this for a few months and then stop.” No. This is the additional step that you’re going to be adding to your financial life. That’s what I truly believe.

It works better if you use it. That’s the ironic thing. Using that money, taking it out, getting loans on the policy, that makes it more beneficial. Let me ask you a question. What is the biggest mistake you’ve seen with somebody having one of these policies?

The biggest mistake is not being that honest banker with themselves if you’re going to take and take from your cash. Let me say this. Treat your money how you treat the bank’s money. When you go down to conventional banking, you take out a loan from them, you pay them back with interest and you never skip a beat in doing it. If you do, they’ll foreclose on your house. They’ll capture whatever that collateral is that you told them that you would give them. If you don’t do that with your money, all you’re saying is that your money is not as valuable as the bank’s money. That’s simply not true.

If you love your occupation, every single day is a vacation. Share on X

Treat your money how you treat the bank’s money and play that honest banker with yourself. Pay yourself back with interest. That’s why us here at The Money Multiplier are going to be here and handhold you because we want you to practice those good habits and have those good morals in your financial life. What Nelson says in his book is that you want to be in two businesses in your life. The first business is you want to be the one that produces your income that you’re passionate about that brings in that stream. The second one is you want to be in the banking business, the business that finances everything throughout your life. That’s what we’re here talking about. We’re talking about the banking business in your life.

Banks make money. They know how to make money. Who is the biggest investor in these types of policies?

In the whole life policies, honestly, banks are. That’s good. Banks are the number one purchasers of whole life insurance in the world. I’ll let you fact-check me, though. Google something called BOLI. It stands for Bank-Owned Life Insurance. You will see the hundreds of pages that come up of how much banks own in whole life insurance. As a matter of fact, since 2013, they’ve quadrupled their portfolio of whole life insurance. Are they stupid or do they know something that the rest of us don’t know? Now that I know what they’re doing, I’m not going to reinvent the wheel. I’m going to mimic and imitate exactly what they’re doing and practice it in my own life.

That helped convince me. It’s like, “Banks do this?” They’re like, “Banks are the number one purchaser.” This is not a new concept. Most of the insurance companies that do this have been around since the 1800s.

The whole life policies have been around even longer than our tax code has been. Our tax code came about in 1913. There are so many features and benefits that you can do in it that you can’t do in any other vehicle on the planet. I challenge you all. If you know of another vehicle, you deserve to come and tell me because we’ve been looking and we can’t find anything else. If you have something, please share it with us.

What advice would you give for somebody who’s interested in one of these policies?

Step one is to understand the foundation of what’s going on. Go to our website and watch that presentation. In there, you’ll see the whats, the hows, the why do I even want to do this. They’re all laid out there. Going through that presentation, you’ll probably have some questions. Holler at us. My email address, it’s my first name [email protected]. I’ll even text you. I work from my own personal cell phone number. Let’s hop on a phone call. I’ll answer all of your questions and how this will be personalized to you.

Thank you so much, Hannah. If you need to connect with her, she’s here. We’re going to end with our trinity, which is a brag, a gratitude and a desire. What’s one thing you’re celebrating? What’s your brag?

Let me be honest. I use my policy this way. No promo. I use my policy to buy a 2021 Ram ProMaster van. If you all know about those, it’s like those Mercedes Sprinter vans. I live down here in Daytona Beach, Florida. The reason I was up in Nashville, Tennessee was because I had to drive my van up there because the guy’s going to go and do the conversions in the back of it. He’s going to turn that into that RV style. That’s what I love to do. If I’m not out there talking about this stuff, I like to go out traveling, camping and see the world.

What’s one thing you’re grateful for?

REIG Hannah | The Money Multiplier Method

The Money Multiplier Method: Whole life policies have been around longer than our tax code has been. There are so many features and benefits that you can do in it that you can’t do in any other vehicle on the planet.


Honestly, I was thinking about that. I am grateful to wake up and to live every day exactly how I want to live it. You know that one song, Vacation by Dirty Heads? If you love your occupation, every single day is a vacation. I truly believe that. There’s nothing else that I would rather be doing than working right along with pops and changing people’s lives. Truthfully, it honestly brings me to tears sometimes when people are on the phone with me and said, “Hannah, I would never be in the position I am if I wouldn’t have met you and your father.” That’s what I love to do. I like to help people.

Last but not least, what’s one desire?

My brain does go to materialistic. What I’ve been into is I want a pinball machine. That’s my desire. I want an antique pinball machine and I want to collect them. I don’t know. That’s my desire, I think, in life.

So shall your desire be or so much better than you can imagine. Thank you so much for coming on and sharing about this policy. You can connect with Hannah at [email protected] or go to their website, to download and find out more about this type of policy. It is empowering when you have one. I’m happy, Hannah, you could come on and share about it. If you want to connect with me, go to There you can find out about our training program or events. Get connected to our amazing community of women real estate investors. Don’t forget to subscribe and join us next time for another amazing interview.

Thank you all.

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About Hannah Kesler

REIG Hannah | The Money Multiplier MethodHannah Kesler is 2nd generation of The Money Multiplier Method. This is a method Hannah and her father travel all around the country to teach; how to recycle, recapture, and keep total control of your hard-earned dollars.

The Money Multiplier teaches the importance of privatized banking, keeping money in the family and how to break the bonds of financial slavery you don’t even realize you are in.

Her dreams are to become a savy real estate investor and fashion designer to hopefully start her own clothing line.

With this wealth management tool, she knows those dreams will become a reality sooner than later.

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